Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolution 2011

Well, this seems to be a habit that might protrude itself annually.
As to remind myself not to repeat any unwanted happenings n bad habits.
So, there it goes :

My New Year Resolution 2011!!! ~

Do :
1. Understand parents feeling more, what they do is always for my own good.
2. Come home more often to accompany them.
3. Study well
4. Appreciate people who is worth for me to appreciate them.
5. Give up those unscrupulous kind.. stay away from them.
6. Stay healthy n positive!
7. Keep faith.
8. Respectfulness & Loyalty
9. Strong & Tough
10. More forgiven
11. Improve my EQ *higher priority*
12. Know who to be with.

Don't :
1. Drink too much coffee & any kind of caffeine beverage.
2. Go out alone
3. Stay up late
4. Scared of dark
5. Trust people easily.
6. Judge a book by its cover.
7. Pay anymore concern to the person who doesn't seem to appreciate.
8. Trying to help but end up being blamed by the person instead.. What the hell!
9. Be a stupid.
10. Being told as a freak due to some deep thought.
11. Get bullied by people's words.
12. Bother people who thinks appearance is everything. That is very RETARDED!

Wish I can work harder to achieve all those.
To my heart : Be more tough! Stop thinking silly stuff.

Happy New Year!

p/s : Especially delicated to Amy, Joo, Zhe, and my xiaozi men. =)

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