Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Went kl yesterday to view apartment once again. But dis time we hv a proper master bedroom. I must say PROPER bcoz there's no strange things, odd rules or extraordinary problems that annoy me. Housemates...ehm. Leave it to me to imagine what kind of ppl I might meet later on haha.. Phew~such a relief I have had. There's only 3hsemates... Yeah!!! We're officially off the road indeed! *as amy said so* Let's go celebrate. =p

So dis leads to our celebration at Nippon Tei. In fact, dat's not a celebration. Juz a normal dinner. It is really awkward to being watched while eating. =.=" And I'm unable to find a new purse. So sad~~ According to my er jiejie, in order to prevent our $$ from flowing out without coming in we have 2use a purse which has 19 compartments. *Feng Shui sayings* Haha.. I'm not so believe it but frankly speaking how can it be possible to find a purse which has 19 compartments? By the way, I'm not going 2get myself a new purse juz for dat reason. Coz I feel like I need to & have to change a new one. =p We accompanied da jie to do some shopping before going back home.

To be continued~

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